Saturday, August 29, 2020

black lives matter website

This movement is no longer restricted to a particular state or country cause now it's everywhere. Black lives matter which started as a hashtag has now become America's largest and most influential group. So black people down the street is not a new thing but the social media aspect is what allowed the movement to blow up. The best thing about BLM is that it's a decentralised movement with no official leader. Instead, the movement is everyone who publically declares for the cause and is ready to devote time and energy. The black lives matter group is fighting to be heard since 2013. Their message comes from an urgent need to tackle police brutality and cruelness. In 2019 the police have killed over 1000 people in America. Black people are 3 times more likely to be killed by the police. In between the year 2013 to 2019, most of the killing have not resulted in criminal charges. 

On the 7th of March 2013, BLM was first seen on Twitter. The various social media platforms where build for it. There was at least the death of one black boy by the hands of police each week. It was like a cycle of killing, protest and no criminal charges. In the upcoming years of 2016, the BLM movements faced a backlash, some started using slogans like All lives matter, blue lives matter in response. Rather than exploring why such movement is necessary many had a knee jerk reaction. The common criticism of BLM protest is that they shouldn't be saying Black lives matter they should be saying All lives matter so while some people interpret the message that Black lives matters more and consider the movement to be unfair and racist it's more accurate to think of it as Black lives matter too. The conclusion here is that BLM doesn't insinuate that other lives don't this movement is not against white people but in this situation, this defining pivotal explosive situation we have to say the words Black Lives Does Matter.


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