Thursday, October 1, 2020

Does herobrain exists in minecraft

 Is Herobrine real???

There are going to be two types of people on the opposite end of this article. Either curious or confident whether hero brine does actually exist in Minecraft.

This question is flowing around for quite a while now. Although I am quite late to this party still there are many unsure as to if Herobrine is real. The answer to this question is not that straight forward. Claiming yes or no is not enough for this question. Let's dive a little bit deeper into it. 

So, let's begin by stating exactly what Herobrine is? 

Story of Herobrine is a Minecraft urban legend. A myth, a rumour that took a pick back in 2010 the first word of Herobrine in a public internet post that was made by one of Minecraft's very own players. According to the player, a shrouded figure was seen standing in the fog. The figure took the appearance of Minecraft's default skin with blank white eyes. Well, it sounds creepy. Shortly after locking eye contact with the player, the figure ran off into the fog never to be seen again. The post made by the player was deleted in five minutes followed by a private message containing the word 'stop' from a user named 'Herobrine'. The link to Herobrine's user page was dead. There was no clue found about this suspicious account. 

The post was very well written. There are a number of things to be identified in this post, which was made by the player. This began to grab some attention so much in fact it even reached the developers. So as a result at the end of the list of details from each of the following game updates the developers stated 'removed herobrine' and this is where the story of this mysterious character really begins to spread. Now the business practice of removal of something that was never meant to be included is a kind of marketing tactic. This topic produced a fantastic tiny side narrative for the game's community to delve into. Many newcomers to this developing drama saw this as an opportunity to share their apparent experience. 

 But when a rumour is spread to enough ears, someone would eventually dive dip deeper until the answer is found. The story of herobrine continued until another mail was received claiming the username belonged to a Swedish gamer and brother of 'Notch' founder of Minecraft. This was the time when the story was forcefully cut off. The speculation was put to rest when 'Notch' himself made a public statement of not having a brother. It doesn't stop here many experienced coders have scanned through every file of the game none of which hint the possibility of herobrine. This sheer success of herobrine widespread is no lie but today many years later, most now know the truth. 

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Does herobrain exists in minecraft

  Is Herobrine real??? There are going to be two types of people on the opposite end of this article. Either curious or confident whether he...